

Our Dream

To See a Revival that Blesses the City

Our Values

- Jesus is the one we are after and He can be found -

- Joy is our power -

- Sacrifice for Jesus is the least we can do -

- We prioritize the most vulnerable in our community -

- We are a miraculous people -

Our Approach


Prayer is about intimacy and activism: it's about finding God in prayer and worship, then asking Him to transform us and
our community.


We humbly go to our neighbors, co-workers, family, friends, and our community to tell them the redemptive story of Jesus, to care for the most vulnerable, and to powerfully demonstrate who God is.


We baptize in water those who are new to Jesus, and we baptize in the Spirit those who are hungry for more of Jesus.


We teach the Kingdom of God to one another and to
our community.


We create beauty and good solutions that bless
our community.


Join us in our NEW LOCATION
Sundays at 5pm

 Located at 2027 W Jefferson Ave, Los Angeles CA 90018

What is Discipleship?

"The beautiful ambition of all training in the Kingdom of God is for us to become like Jesus in all we are and do."
"But everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher" (Luke 6:40). "Likeness is the goal."

Men’s Group — Monday Evenings Basketball “Bible & Ball”
Women‘s Group — Wednesdays 10am
*Send us a message below for locations.

Join a Discipleship group!

Fill out the form below to get started.


As one of our core values, we make prayer a priority.

Community Prayer every Wednesday at 9am.

Join us before Sunday service at 4pm.


We invite you to partner with what God is doing in South Los Angeles.

To give online, please follow the prompt on this page. You will have the option to use a credit/debit card or an ACH direct bank transfer. You can also choose to give a one-time gift or set up regular reoccurring support, even cover the transaction fees. Please create a profile, so we can properly welcome you as a partner!

To mail a check, please make it out to
Angel City Collective and send to
2588 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena CA 90117

Connect with us.

We'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions or would like to sign up for our email updates, please fill out the form below, or simply contact us at